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Fabiano Gonper

17 marzo - 23 abril 2011

Calle Alameda 18, Madrid





2009/2010 / Impresión sobre papel /96 x 65 cm



2009-2010 / Poliptico / Impresión sobre papel /105 x 93,5 cm



2009-2010 / Poliptico / Impresión sobre papel

RDS-Do Poder Da Politica

RDS-Do Poder Da Politica

/ 2009-2010 / Tríptico / Impresión sobre papel /33,5 x 127 cm

O Acordo - Serie O Manipulador

O Acordo - Serie O Manipulador

2010/ Tinta permanente sobre tela y voile negro/ 148×214 cm

Sin Título, serie: O Manipulador

Sin Título, serie: O Manipulador

2010 /Impresión sobre voile blanco/ 90×90 cm

Sin Título, Serie O Manipulador

Sin Título, Serie O Manipulador

2010/ Impresión sobre voile blanco/ 45×62 cm

Sin Título, serie: O Manipulador

Sin Título, serie: O Manipulador

2010 /Impresión sobre voile blanco/ 90×90 cm

Sin Título Descripción

Sin Título Descripción

Serie O Manipulador/ 2010/ Tinta para tejido sobre tela y voile blanco/ 114×132 cm




Power in the contemporary world is diluted, fragmented in various human relationships, no longer centralized in certain institutions or social roles. We all exercise a power of power over one or the other and in this way fields of tensions are constituted that form the universe of biopower and biopolitics. The everyday dives into those noises and images that arise from the clash between  various interests and powers.


Fabiano Gonper's work investigates these questions based on everyday experiences, investigating the individual himself as a sphere that transits the dimension between the individual and the collective. Design became a field explored by the artist starting in 1997, when he began a series of works  on glass and paper with confidential poetics and intimate registers that reflect on the condition of its author as person, citizen and artist within the world of art.

Gonper addresses the question  of the power of the layers of politics, the subject, art, the media, everyday relationships and explores new visions for design. He has developed the RSD- Reconfiguration of the Subject (2009) and O Manipulador (2007) series.


Fabiano Gonper's search creates  new openings to know the potential of the languages of art (drawing / sculpture / painting), creating conflicts and  situations that offer new proofs of poetic production. In his work, the image does not appear immediately, but appears at different  moments, depending on the researcher's point of view.

Gonper Museum-Work in Progress  has been developed since 2002,_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cftima58d_ and new works to be done by this series, while legi feeds  the reflections on the relationships developed between the artist, the art institution and the museum framework; It raises questions about the museographic procedures through which the objects become storied, sacralized and perpetuated in the social imaginary. The artist takes for himself the functions of curator, executive director and visual programmer, and shuffles these practices of power in negotiations with real institutions, such as museums, cultural centers and galleries, and also in dialogue with other artists.


En su formatos de site especific , Gomper Museum ha viajado mucho y algunos de sus puntos de vista los acquired by presenting works that were not written by Fabiano Gonper, such as  the work of the artists Antônio Dias, Cildo Meireles, Iran do Espírito Santo, Lygia Clark, Regina Silveira, Waltércio Caldas, Matias Duville. It has already been exhibited in São Paulo (Museum of Modern Art), Goiânia, Recife and also in the United States and Argentina. Con montajes específicos para cada obra del artista, el Gomper Museum ha exhibido las series Desenhos Secretos (2003) y Pinturas Varáveis_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_(2004). On the occasion of this exhibition in Blanca Soto, GM presents the works of the series RDS-Do Poder / Do Sujeito .


As in all his work, in Fabiano Gonper's most recent works, the drawings and video drawings,  in all of them is the Subject. The artist resizes his work from the visual saturation of everyday images from the mass media (books, magazines, catalogues, newspapers, photographs, TV programs and the Internet) where the displacement (relocation) of_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ the images between the different media and communication supports generates a new vision that constitutes the poetic field of the work.


Many times the technical procedures and the means of communication (video-projection, enlargement and reduction, printing) generate the dissolution of the images. Scenes from different situations intertwine and create a contemporary protonarrative. In his videos, Gomper extracts random frames (interstices) or even photographs taken directly with his computer's webcam.


The exhibition presents works that address issues such as politics (micro/macro) and society, issues that have always greatly interested the artist. The O Manipulador and RDS series present the universe of the various powers present in contemporary society such as politics, the economy, the different social relations and the media.  In these series, with the spatial relationships as a hybrid between the medium and the type of frame of the cinematographic frame (planes and angles that help to establish the possible ways to give new meanings to the work) amplify  the individualization and the state of autonomy of the subject.


The exercise of the powers of “everyone” – centralized surveillance, the everyday, the banal  – when viewed under the artist's microscope is worthy of blush and an undeniable reflection of what is to come . In general, these works constitute a plastic and conceptual  body in which visibility and concealment manifest as  the problems _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58.

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