Artur Lescher
10 abril - 10 mayo 2008
Calle Alameda 18, Madrid
![]() Invitación.gif | ![]() Aguja de dos cabos2007 / Nylon y cable de acero/ Ed 3/5 /200 x 15 cm | ![]() Sin título2007/Madera y hierro pintado/ Ed.1/5 /200 x 8 cm |
![]() Sin título/2007/Madera y hierro pintado/ Ed.1/5 /200 x 8 cm | ![]() Ala2008 /Resina blanca/ Ed. 2/15 /94 x 23 x 6,5 cm. | ![]() Sin título2007 / Resina y cable de acero/ Ed. 2/5 /200 x 30 cm |
![]() Elipse plana2006/ Resina negra/ Ed.5/15 /38 x 20 x 3 cm | ![]() Elipse vertical2006 / Resina negra/ Ed.15/15 /38 x 20 x 3 cm | ![]() Elipse horizontal2006 / Resina negra/ Ed.4/15 /38 x 20 x 3 cm |
![]() Línea de agua2005/ Madera y acrílico rojo/ Ed. 2/5/ 180 x 15 x 6 cm | ![]() Playa.jpg2006 / Acero con pátinas de cobre variadas/ Ed 1/5 /200 x 15 cm | ![]() Cometas2006/ Madera con barniz pigmentado y cable de acero/ Ed. 15,16,17 y 18/18 / 4 piezas de 60 x 5 cm cada una |
Blanca Soto Arte presents for the first time in Spain the work of the artist Artur Lescher (Brazil, 1962), who, although he is known in our country thanks to his appearances at ARCO by galleries such as Nara Roesler from Sao Paulo and Ruth Benzacar from Argentina, this is the first opportunity to see a group of his works in a solo show.
In this first appointment, Lescher presents part of his latest sculptural production Paisagem Mínima, which gives a perfect account of the interest of the Brazilian artist in the search for the perfect form. Thus, each sculpture is the result of an idea built in the field of imagination that is examined, refined and enriched, until finding its final form.1 A form, which in its apparent austerity of resources, hides a certain voluptuousness resulting from the tension generated between the different materials that are mixed in each piece. His works seek the limit, the tension, a potential movement that unfolds from an imaginary line. 2 as is the case of Agulha de 2 cabos, a piece that results from the expansion of the vibrations of a vertical line that materializes the immaterial. In Comets, on the other hand, the contradiction arises from linking floor and ceiling, making speed evident in static, immovable forms.3 At the same time, Lescher endows each piece with titles that anchor its quasi-abstract forms in the territory of figuration. , of the recognizable scope of the landscape.4 A minimalist landscape product of reflection, of a detachment of forms, where the mythological, the eternal, the uncontaminated, prevails; purity that is enhanced by the perfect workmanship and industrial finish of each of its pieces.
Artur Lescher's sculpture invites the viewer to reflect, it assaults him from unsuspected planes, integrating itself into the architecture, forming and transforming the space that hosts it. Creating cuts, lines, planes, gaps that feed a mysterious silence, a poetics of calm, under which it seems that something is about to happen, in a discreet and slow action towards imbalance.